Reqiuem for a dream

Once there was a bar of beauty that revelled in beer and proximity to the home of Arsenal now there remains a less than beautiful frump with bad manners.
Standing in the rain having my thin and flexible plastic glass of beer topped up by heaven's tap. Crushed in the patience sapping queue at the bar surrounded by shouting newcomers and being audibly assaulted by ear shattering Latin music. Queuing to use the urine soaked toilet and obeying the orders of the mini bouncers who are guardians of the velvet rope. Surrounded by refugees from the current BT advert questioning the logic of inconvenience.
The benefits are therefore only two; the proximity to the stadium and the obvious attractions of the barmaids.
Some of you will know of which I speak...
...And now the dream is over.
What really matters now? Regardless of pre game ritual today we meet WBA
and make a decision; it's about the Arsenal and the next game and the next...


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